Why Was My Content Removed or Account Restricted?
When our members upload content that is illegal or fails to comply with our community standards and guidelines, we may take action to restrict them or their content.
These violations may be identified in three main ways:
Through an automated assessment where content that is in clear violation of Tripadvisor’s community standards and guidelines or that contains illegal information is rejected
Through reports from our community of businesses and travellers
Through a manual review by our hundreds of staff all over the world
Generally speaking, where we identify content that is illegal or fails to comply with our guidelines, we take steps to remove it from our platform.
We also reserve the right to temporarily suspend access to some or all of the Tripadvisor platform, including in circumstances where members:
frequently provide manifestly illegal content or content in breach of our guidelines
frequently submit manifestly unfounded reports or appeals (in this case, we may also take steps to reduce the visibility of their content)
The duration of the suspension we impose will depend on the seriousness of the breach of our terms and guidelines.
Ultimately, we also reserve the right to permanently terminate a members account.
If we take action to restrict a member or their content, we will notify them that we have done so, unless it is not appropriate for us to do so (such as where we are subject to legal requirements not to do so).
For EU residents, we will also give members the opportunity to appeal our decisions if they think that we have made a mistake. Further details on our appeals process and other redress possibilities can be found here.
For additional information on why a specific type of content may have been removed, please see: