My family and I booked a 9 night stay and spent the first week leaving in the morning, arriving late at night with 2 young children. On the Friday afternoon, the first afternoon we spent in the apartment, we came to realise how filthy the room was (and still is). On Saturday morning, I raised the issue with the reception team, agreeing that the cleaning staff would come through and rectify the issues while we were out that afternoon.
Within 2 mins of going back up to our room, to my surprise, one of the cleaning managers knocked on the door. I explained we were leaving around 1pm and asked, given it was the weekend, would it be alright if she came back around 1. She agreed that it was no issue and she would take care of it. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen.
I raised the issue with their offsite answering service, who managed to organise replacement blankets, as the ones we had were filthy and smelt foul, I also emailed their reception team, who assured me the room would be cleaned on Sunday. Unsurprisingly at this point, the room was again left uncleaned.
I spoke with the on-site manager this morning (Monday) who at every turn, has tried to discredit the issue. I’ll admit, we could have raised the issue earlier, had we noticed, which is one of her main points to make, but by this stage, it had been 3 days and still no resolve.
This afternoon, Monday, they sent someone up to attempt to clean the room. Unfortunately, this mediocre attempt has left us bemused.
I’ve just walked away from a conversation with the manager, who is simply condescending and rude. She spent 10 minutes trying to discredit every issue we’ve raised, insinuating that the filth and grime has been caused by our family during our stay. To boot, they’ve offered us 20% discount off our next stay…we won’t be back.
I read the reviews on this hotel before we booked, I noted several reviews about poor cleanliness and the awful interactions with the staff. Let me assure you, these are still issues and they’re absolutely true. I also noted the review-replies from the manager herself, most of which included quips of “we wish you’d raised this during your stay”, or words to that effect.
In the interest of mitigating any drama, upon noticing the issues, we’ve clearly communicated the issues to no resolve. In doing so, we’ve had the unfortunate experience of dealing with the most condescending manager, all the while, the issue has still not been rectified and our room remains uncleaned.
If you’re reading this, I encourage you to find somewhere else and save yourself the trouble. This has been a black mark on what has otherwise been a great holiday.
Before they reply, let me tell you this. The manager will say we didn’t raise the issue at the beginning of our stay, this is true. We simply didn’t notice it as we’d been in and out and spent little to no time in the apartment and the reception was closed when we had been in house. The manager will imply that the mess has been created by us. As a home owner, I assure you, the filth and grime buildup here is not something that happens in a matter of days. She will explain that they’ve been in to clean and that they were unable to do so because “the floor was covered in stuff”. To be clear, we had 2 suitcases and some of our children’s toys stacked against one wall.
The attached photos are from before and after they apparently “cleaned”.