First time here and we’ll definitely be back! I came along with my 9-year-old daughter who had a... read more
First time here and we’ll definitely be back! I came along with my 9-year-old daughter who had a... read more
Took our grandson here for the birthday of one of his friends. Great venue, very well organised... read more
The sunroof is open and all four windows are down allowing the sun to kiss my skin and excite me as this is finally a hot summer day one in a string of hot summer days actually, and I am lucky to be on holidays with that dirty four letter word ‘work’ becoming a distant memory. With a couple of my besties in the car we cruise on into the Dandenong Ranges marveling at the lush think green forest and wishing that we were fortunate enough to live around this beautiful area.
I can feel the excitement rise as we pass Puffing Billy and turn into Belgrave and go up a dirt road that doesn’t so much have potholes, rather waves in the road and every scrap I can feel on the bottom of my car tells me I need a four wheel drive, however not to worry the old ford makes it.
I can smell that delicious hot forest smell and my friends and I are so exhilarated by now we practically bounce to the reception area of Trees Adventures Glen Harrow Park.
We get kitted out in our safety gear of helmet, safety harness and gloves and taken through the safety course where our friendly expert show us how to lock and unlock our karabiner’s on to the course cables and explains the different colours around the course.
Green Line is for children 8 years and under
Blue Line if for everyone over 8 and is great to get your tree legs with a long and a short course, the long course having the most amount of zip lines in the park.
Red Line has a lot of climbing and needs a bit of upper body strength and must be completed so they know that you can handle the black course
Black Line comprises a long course and a short course one which requires a lot of upper body and the other has a lot of zip lines.
The higher you go up in colour the higher up the trees the course is and after our introduction we are keen to get climbing and we all look at each other and say ‘Red Line?’ followed by ‘hells yeah’ and ‘absolutely’, we make our way to home tree were all of the courses started and yes I totally pretended that I was in Avatar.
I make sure that I am locked on to all of the correct safety cables and begin my vertical climb up a tiny ladder to a small platform which led to another vertical climb, this time moving sideways along a big rope ladder, now whilst I have no fear of heights and rather enjoy standing on the edge and having a higher perspective I discovered that I do however have a fear of falling which made it exceedingly difficult to get my limbs to move fast and smooth along the net and it felt as though it took all of the strength I had and this was just the first obstacle.
It was worth all the terror though as there was two of the cutest possums hiding in the hollow of the tree.
With this newly discovered fear of falling it also took all of my strength to take my zip line pully off my belt and take my legs off the platform, but once they were off I felt like Bond, Jade Bond flying over the tree tops with my spy belt ready to do battle and save the day, until I get to the next obstacle which is taking all of my strength and balance to get through and I reveled in relief with every zip line I came across.
By the time I finished the red line I was dripping with sweat and dying for some water however I felt completely satisfied with myself and the challenges I physically overcame, as I did find some of the obstacles physically and mentally challenging to complete.
Once I had a drink break I was ready to go again and this time I was going for the Black Short Line because it was higher up the trees and full of zip lines, YEAH! I was super keen to do this until I had to do another vertical climb up a little slightly rickety ladder which I am hugged onto for dear life as I climbed up to the higher platform. Slightly crapping myself thinking I cannot do this, I cannot do this the sweat was running down my face mostly with nerves feeling as though this climb was never going to end, then I reached the platform and woosh I was off on the first zip line.
I loved this course with its numerous zip lines and getting my Bond, Jade Bond on I was in my element I couldn’t get enough, please get me higher and give me more zip lines!! My favourite zip line was the one that was so long I could not see the end and I built up so much speed I felt as though I was going to crash into the tree at the end like George of the jungle, thankfully it slows just enough at the very end to hit the platform as gracefully as a giant monkey can.
Despite my fear of falling, I would come back and do this again in a heart beat, due to the thrilling fun and physical challenge.
After the grueling and exhilarating climb, we decided to reward our efforts by going to Micawber Tavern to enjoy a delicious lunch by the stunning peaceful creek under the lush ferns, and I had a great laugh with my friends as we regaled in our adventures.
Took my 20+ children and overseas (UK) visitor. The UK visitor had a fear of heights and so we were going to start him off on the blue course (easy), but the queue was longest there and so we put him on the red (medium hard) sandwiching him between two friends who had done it before. He started off slow and panicky, but he surprised us by completing the long black (hardest) and coming home soooo pumped because he couldn't believe he had done it and survived!!! This is a fun day out, but what we learned was that for this guy from the UK, it was life-changing. He had never been out of his comfort zone voluntarily and it really made him look at other areas of his life where he had been afraid to step out and do things. This is a great place to come and enjoy as a family, but I would do it as a work-place challenge with a team - great place!!!
I took my 12yo niece and together we did both green courses and the long blue course twice. We had a fantastic time. Whilst the courses were pretty easy for me (I have previously done the hardest course), you can make it more challenging by not using hands. It was lovely to see how much confidence my niece had, and the increased confidence she showed the second time we did the blue course.
My daughter came to watch and sat in a chair (byo) in the shade near the home tree, which was shady and beautiful on a 32 degree day.
Highly recommended.
We really enjoyed this place. We did the red (medium-hard) then long black (hardest) then blue (medium-easier) as there was still some time left. The black was pretty challenging as you need lots of upper body strength at the beginning. The zip lines were very exciting. We will definitely be back!
Love this place! our daughter had her 7th birthday here years ago, and we just went back 4 years later and its looking great! Challenging for adults, even fit adults, but with options for children as young as about 6!
Great day to spend out and you do require a level of good fitness to enjoy all the different obstacles
Great scenery and good explanation of how to use the harness for your safety