My wife does a lot of cooking and doesnt put up with rubbish food! The scallop pie was excellent (according to her), which is praise indeed. I tried a taste and I agree!
I had the seafood chowder. It was served tepid, to put it nicely, but as it had taken a short while to arrive I was putting up with it. However the chowder was that good, it was a shame not to have it served at the proper temperature. So I got it heated up without any problem.
The chowder was as close to perfect as you could get. It was thick and tasty, but not overpowering. Plenty of seafood, in fact it seems to have been made with the end result in mind (rather than perhaps saving a penny or two and cutting corners). Im making myself hungry just writing about it!
The last seafood chowder I had that was this good was around 10 years ago in San Francisco.