Hi Catherine,
Thank you for your response.
I understand we are not a flashy hotel and we are not going to be to everyone's taste; however, we work hard to run our motel as a clean, comfortable, homely place and we do our best to accommodate everyone as best we can. As part of this, we have the rooms pest sprayed for insects twice a year as recommended.
What we don't appreciate is reviews which are extremely misleading. When you checked out, you told me you had a bug (singular) crawling on you and that it disappeared (which your husband confirmed); not "bugs" that you mentioned in your review. There was no evidence of dead, squashed or alive bugs in the room when I inspected it after you left.
We also see on our surveillance system that you spent half an hour sitting outside with your door wide open and lights on - which is probably how the "bugs" got in there in the first place. Please keep in mind that we are situated in the country and it was a warm night, bugs tend to be more prevalent on night's like that - by leaving your door open it was inevitable that some may have entered. We also supply insect spray in the rooms, just in case bugs get past the fly screens on the windows or a closed door.
Also, upon seeing your other reviews on Trip Advisor, it seems that you are very hard to please.
We will be discussing your review with Trip Advisor as it is misleading and fabricated.