We went on the EyeSpy Whale Watching tour on18/09/2024. 8+ pods of Mother, Baby and Aunty Whales did all their tricks within 50 meters of the boat to the delight of passengers and Crew. Also Dolphins, Turtles and Sea Cows were sighted.
The commentary was informative but not intrusive. Of concern was the fact that the Krill, Whales only source of food, is being harvested by netting beyond the Krills ability to be sustainable, for use in cosmetics and farm animals' food. Climate Change also is causing a depletion of Krill in Antarctica.
Some of my questions to the crew may have been out of left field but were answered in a pleasant manner. Especially the engineer who stated that the Twin Rolls Royce 4 Stroke Diesel Engines consumed 600 litres per hour on the run to and from Redcliffe to the Whale Watching area !
A Fresh Salad+ Chicken and Ham lunch was enjoyable with a couple of small bottles we added of sparkling wine. The Fruit Salad tray we kept for this morning's breakfast.
Available at all times were the usual Coffee Bar drinks and eats plus beer cans and bottles plus wines but no spirits.
A small range of souvenirs is available on the boat.
Most importantly sea sickness tablets are available on board to be taken before departure,
If you are contemplating a Whale Watching experience, I recommend Brisbane Whale Watching.