Sadly we learned Jane passed away just recently. For 16 continuous years we had been loyal customers in Villa 7 during lobster mini-season. We were always asked before we left if we would like to have Villa 7 again for the next years mini-season. We always said yes and we said yes again at the end of the 2022 mini-season. We told Jane we were coming back and she said we have the first right to the unit. So here it is February of 2023 and we were expecting to have Villa 7 as usual. I had not heard anything so I called and spoke to Mayra. I was informed Jane had passed away and Villa 7 was already promised to someone else. Needless to say I was and remain furious that this new management team did not reach out to long time customers. Now the new management will not honor the commitment they made to me and my family. In addition to their lack of detail around reservations, the new management takes no action on dock control. There was always a standing policy of bow in/stern out docking. Now it is first come first served with most boats taking two or three dock spaces by side docking. This has resulted in arguments amongst those docking boats. The management does not instruct new comers on how to do bow in/stern out docking. The boaters do not come with the ropes or protective bumpers they need to dock properly. One year the Cargnelli family (the owners) asked us to do a favor and take their nephew, visiting from Italy and working at the resort for the summer, out lobstering as they felt he would be safe with us. We did this, using our time, boat and gear to make this young man have a more fulfilling Keys experience. He came back to the dock all smiles with a six bag limit. Now they just throw us under the bus. So Goodbye WGC, and a special goodbye to Raymond who was very helpful and enjoyed the wine we would bring every year.