My husband and I ate here on our last night in Bali.
It was an exceptional experience. From the moment we arrived and saw the view from the lobby we were so impressed, 'Wow!' moment number 1. and it only got better.
The ride down to the river restaurant in the golf buggy was fun, and then seeing the restaurant and the cocoons was 'Wow!' moment number 2.
The river itself is so beautiful, be there before it gets dark to enjoy it in daylight, but then when it is dark it is equally beautiful as it is floodlit. Wow No. 3
The way they have designed the gorgeous restaurant and cocoons fits in to their surroundings so well. Wow 4.
My husband and I just kept smiling and literally saying 'wow'
Our waiter was a lovely young man, he knew the menu inside and out, and was very friendly and helpful.
And then the food..... 'WOW 5-15'
The visual presentation of every course was stunning, matched equally by the sensational tastes. We had only ordered a main (the Ritz Carlton not in our price range usually...) but were treated to a number of free small appertisers, each of which were delicious, which we enjoyed with our divine mocktail drinks.
Our mains were outstanding. The service continued to be wonderful and the ambience was so special.
Dessert rivalled mains for another 'Wow!'
Even my hot chocolate was one of the best I have ever had (and I have had many, many hot chocolates).
We were then once again surprised with a last free treat of a few small dessert bites. Again beautiful to look at and very tasty.
The price for Bali was expensive, but for such an experience, the visual beauty of it all, the sensational food, the location, the service, it was a priceless experience at a very reasonable price. (AU$200 for two of us, main and dessert each, three mocktails, coffee and hot chocolate, bottled water). We would have paid two to three times more at home in Australia, more probably.
I would very highly recommend a visit. Book a head to reserve a cocoon.
The whole evening was fantastic. Wow factor 10/10.
Thank you to our lovely waiter, The Kubu Chef and staff and Ritz Carlton for a memory I will always treasure.