We arrived at the Tai-Pan after a 13 hour train trip across Thailand. Our first impressions were very good - the hotel was in a great location, it was clean and well presented.
We decided to dine in the hotel restaurant as we were exhausted. The meal was great. We paid with a 1000 baht note, received our change and went to use the hotel internet in the lobby.
5 minutes later whilst at the main desk we were accused of presenting a fake bank note. Given we had just taken the money out of an ATM (it is the largest denomination note so we could not have received it as change), we were very taken aback and surprised that this was not mentioned when we paid given the Thai custom of checking bank notes on payment.
There can be no other explanation other than it was switched at the cashiers at the bar.
It took four days for us to be able to speak to the GM about this matter and have the extra money we paid returned.
We suggest that if you do use this hotel that you are very wary of the staff. If not for this matter we would return.