Can' say what the room was like as we never saw them.... Even though we had been in contact throughout our trip with regard to flight delays no-one was there to let us in (they had told us they would wait as they knew we were coming). Late at night, deserted street (apart from the hoons screeching around the block in their cars), 3 of us (aged between 65 and 70) with our suitcases were left on the street. We were told the next day that they were there "out the back" and didn't get any of our three phone calls (although we could hear the phone ringing from the street where we were stood).
I could almost hear the shrug of the shoulders when he (the bar Manager?) said they didn't get the calls. The owner did apologise and eventually (after many phone calls) we were refunded in full but the start of our holiday was totally spoilt.