Flight schedule from Paris to Prague 20.15 and ETA 21.55, checked-in at 18.30
At 19.00 flight was « expected » at 21.50 and we left at 22.25, arriving at airport 00.15
We were held inside the aircraft without any air conditioning/air circulation with information that we arrived at the wrong terminal and waited for permission to disembark from the plane, no time frame was given.
We had air conditioning system only 5-10 minutes before disembarked to a bus at 01.40, that took us to terminal Schengen, terminal 2. We waited again around 30 minutes inside the bus before doors were opened and we could go inside the Terminal 2.
We got our luggage a bit before 2AM and finally arrived at the hotel at 02.25AM.
So overall we had 2 hours and 10 minutes of delay and we were held inside the aircraft and then the transfer bus for another 1.5 hours. Total 3 hours 40 minutes of arriving at the luggage pickup.