Dear Layla A, The M Boutique Family is gawking at the review, sighing, "Hiya! Thanks for choosing our sMall urban vintage hoMe and for leaving us a review on TripAdvisor!". We are always happy when someone likes our quirky whiMsical eclectic ambience and yes, we are the Big Sister of M Boutique Station 18! More importantly, we are glad that you had enjoyed both the experience in M Boutique, and we took a lot of trouble to look at the finer prints in our hoMe. However, we too must admit, like in any huMan beings, M Boutique is like a person, which is prone to weakness and strengths. That is partly the reason why we, collectively, as the M Boutique Family, will continue to chip away to improve, no matter how sMall, based on all your invaluable comments here. Granted, there are areas which we may not be able to change as it may fall under the jurisdiction of our Parents (Owners), but we will feedback all areas related to them on a regular basis. This is our overall upbringing that communication and it is you, our Friends, that are at our centre. We will also openly admit that there are times when we do fail, but your review will renew our zest to continue to improve. As the M Boutique Family closes our mouths, we are very thankful that you had taken the time to share your experiences with all. Since you have tried both the Oldest and younger sister, perhaps the next time you visit the Silver State, why not try our younger siblings which are coming online M Roof (Contemporary/MIB HQ) and M Boutique Kampar (Steampunk)? Cheers, Lloyd Gan