Dear Killertan, The M Boutique Family is singing Mr. Brightside, by the Killers, mouthing, "Thank you for your leaving us a review on TripAdvisor and for choosing our sMall urban vintage hoMe!". We are just glad that you had enjoyed the overall whiMsical experience in our home and have noted your comments on the breakfast. While our breakfast is provided by our Restaurant Partners, we will still continue to share all your comments with them. We are also thankful that you had possibly noted that they do not fall under our purview, but we will continually strive to improve, no matter how sMall, based on all your invaluable comments here. As the M Boutique Family takes a walk on the beach, we are very grateful that you had taken the trouble to share your experiences with all, and we hope to welcome you back to your urban vintage home, or perhaps, try our younger MonochroMatic sister, M Boutique Station 18. Cheers, Lloyd Gan