Cheap flights to Hobart are available from all capital cities in Australia. Direct flights exiting Sydney and Melbourne are serviced by the main Australian domestic carriers. The flight time from Sydney is slightly less than 2 hours. Cheap flights departing Perth and Adelaide typically include a transfer in Melbourne. Flights leaving from Darwin with Jetstar stop in either Sydney or Melbourne. Cheap flights are available on Virgin Australia flying direct from Brisbane and Canberra. On the ground, the Redline Airporter bus service waits for the arrival of each and every flight, taking passengers into Hobart City. There is a taxi rank located outside the terminal and a trip into the city is more than reasonably priced. A number of car rental companies operate onsite, book ahead for the best deal or find your airlines preferred ground transport partner.
Navigating Hobart is simple with a relatively confined CBD, well signed roads and slow traffic. There are a number of companies that hire bicycles providing visitors with access to the extensive inner-city bicycle track. See Derwent Bike Hire for the extra special experience of a tandem. Explore Hobart on foot and take a Metro bus service for efficient public transport. Taxis are a cheap option within the city and tour buses service the surrounding regions. The best way to enhance your sightseeing around Hobart is by car – capitalize on your Tasmanian experience by tailoring the itinerary without the consideration or restriction of timetables.
The air is crisp in the apple isle so getting out and about is a real pleasure. Picnic at the nature reserves of Wellington Park, including highlights Mt Wellington and Myrtle Falls for a cheap afternoon. Australia’s rich convict history has been immortalized in Port Arthur and the Cascade’s Female Factory. Book onto theatrical tour, Louisa’s Walk for an incredible insight into female convict life which ends at the Female Factory and take a guided day tour of the Port Arthur Historical Site. Enjoy ale at the Cascade Brewery and Australia’s favourite chocolate at the Cadbury Chocolate Factory. Take a day cruise and kayak around the waters of Bruny Island. Visit Narryna Heritage Museum, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Tasmanian Transport Museum or the wonderments of the Museum of New Art. A trip to Hobart wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Bonarong Wildlife Sanctuary where you can cuddle gorgeous hand-reared Tasmania Devils.
Hobart’s best retail is boutique-style or market shopping. In the CBD, department, speciality and chain stores can be found at the Elizabeth Street Mall. Visit Love & Clutter on Murray Street for curious boutique retail and the Sandy Bay area for a concentration of boutique offerings. The famous Salamanca Markets operate every Saturday with the Northgate Flea Markets trading of a Sunday. The sophisticated setting of Bar Celona is perfect for cheeky champagnes or sample regional wines at Quarry. Sip cocktails at Birdcage Bar and the iconic IXL Long Bar. Blend in with the locals and party at Syrup Nightclub, Observatory and Isobar. Enjoy fine dining at sustainably sourced seafood restaurant, Mures. Choose banquet dining at Me Wah, Moroccan spiced ocean trout at Fish 349 and sample Ball & Chain Grill’s menu highlight, wallaby sausage. For fresh, cheap fish and chips devour the offerings of the floating Flippers Fish Punt at Constitution Dock.