We had an amazing time and I do recommend it, but my friends and I didn't get everything that the show advertised. They say you get 2 free drinks and a shot. We all got drinks when we arrived, but only some of us were given the 2nd cocktail, I didn't get one. And at the end of the show they let everyone take a shot as part of the plot, but when they got to my friends they said they were all out and just gave all 5 of us one drink to share. I know we had the evening event but how could they be completely out? Furthermore, their advertisement includes magic tricks and illusions for the audience, that didn't happen for us. And there's a secret sub-plot that people can try to solve on their own, and if you guess it then you get a bonus drink. I'm not confident anybody in our event knew how to go about that, but my group found a clue and told the bartender, and he said we weren't supposed to get to that part yet and that was that. The acting was good and the atmosphere is amazing, I loved having my tarot read. But my experience was lacking and I don't know why they didn't do everything they advertise.