Gone are the days of dropping half a tab of acid and jumping the Zebra enclosure at 2am in the morning, for a visit, you would be better buying a ticket and having a laugh with the front counter staff, and they give you a map. The Otters snuggled together in the afternoon summed up my experience, as did the Chimpanzees and the Sun Bear, who was too lazy to swat a fly of its back. Everything was laid back. Well, it was not a public holiday, or school holiday for that matter. The staff were friendly, and the other customers were chatty. There were of course the grumpy grannies looking for faults in the Zoo, that were lurking around, that were easily brushed aside. I enjoyed the Black and White Ruffed Lemar's, who feasted on fruits and nuts. The Snow Leopard was invisible, and the Lion just had an operation, so was recovering. I thought the little blue penguins were a myth, to slow down drivers, but they are real! I was surprised to find myself watching a group of Kangaroos relaxing in front of me, without a fence, or barrier. The Giraffe was hungry and was pacing around. There is so much to do. I would like to return and book an up close and personal experience with a Capybara.