Colin was our driver. His "bad" jokes were very entertaining. We enjoyed the DOO village on the way. Port Arthur great to visit, and he prepared us well. All went as planned until we bid farewell at the end of the return drive.
He took us to our cruise ship terminal, and warned us to make sure we had all our possessions, but I still managed to leave my phone behind, since it had dropped to the floor.
Panic! as we were on a cruise ship leaving Tasmania, Australia within the hour for New Zealand.
Unbeknown to me, Colin spotted the phone ant the next drop off, and returned immediately to hand it in to our cruise departure terminal.
Meanwhile I had raced 10 minutes back to the Grayline tour desk, which had closed for the evening. A phone call to Grayline however did get a message through to Colin as to where I now was waiting. Colin came back again to pick me up!! After reassuring me, he then drove me again to the cruise ship terminal. So caring! So many red lights as he drove round there for the third time. What a star - many thanks. Jay