My husband and I, we were stressed and had been looking for something that was different, that we could do together, so we thought we should try this new thing that we heard about, mind floating.
So when we arrived there we were greeted by 2 instructors, Joao & Joao (original, right?!), its easier that they both have the same name ;)
We start by dressing the diving suits (make sure you take confy clothes to wear underneath), then you lie on a chair with a cloth on your eyes which then you can choose which essential oil you want, I chose lavander.
After 10 minutes or so of meditation with relaxing music, the instructors put you in to the pool and help you float. With the cloth, you are left to relax and enjoy this amazing sensation. You become lighter than a feather, and after a few minutes your mind joins your body and floats away, as if theres nothing else in the world, all problems/stress is gone and its just you and the water, as if you are in the womb again.
I strongly recomend it, you wont regret it.