This is an amazingly beautiful Bascilica from 1335. The highlight is the statue of Mary holding baby Jesus behind the altar. The story behind the statue is as follows. In 1370, here was a terrible storm at sea and the captain feared the boat would sink. So the crew threw the cargo overboard. When the last large crate was thrown overboard, the storm stopped. The crate floated to Cagliari and rested on its shores. No one could open the crate, and a boy went to get the friar. The friars were able to carry the crate to the church and were able to open it. When they opened it, they saw the statue of Mary holding baby Jesus and in her right hand was a lighted candle. The statue behind the altar is that same statue. In the back of the church, you can see the crate on display. Regardless of your belief in this story, the Bascilica is well worth visiting as it is beautiful. Be sure to walk to the back where you will find another church as well with a very beautiful altar. Both churches have beautiful paintings, statues, ceilings and other artwork.